This rampaging Australian western tells the story of Irish livestock theif Ned Kelly, well played by Heath Ledger in one of his best roles, and his gang of four, two friends, one played by Orlando Bloom. A small misunderstanding with a British policeman led to a major war between the gang and British authorities, making Ned a folk hero, while the Irish farmers refuse to help in spite of a large bounty.Naomi Watts has a small role as romantic interest for Ned. Based on a true story from the late 1800's.
Ned Kelly
Gregor Jordan, 2004 (7*)
This rampaging Australian western tells the story of Irish livestock theif Ned Kelly, well played by Heath Ledger in one of his best roles, and his gang of four, two friends, one played by Orlando Bloom. A small misunderstanding with a British policeman led to a major war between the gang and British authorities, making Ned a folk hero, while the Irish farmers refuse to help in spite of a large bounty.Naomi Watts has a small role as romantic interest for Ned. Based on a true story from the late 1800's.
This rampaging Australian western tells the story of Irish livestock theif Ned Kelly, well played by Heath Ledger in one of his best roles, and his gang of four, two friends, one played by Orlando Bloom. A small misunderstanding with a British policeman led to a major war between the gang and British authorities, making Ned a folk hero, while the Irish farmers refuse to help in spite of a large bounty.Naomi Watts has a small role as romantic interest for Ned. Based on a true story from the late 1800's.
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